

Cutting-edge React Development at KOMODO

Users have high expectations for their digital. React – developed and maintained by Meta – allows high-quality, interactive experiences, and it’s gone on to become a popular choice for a range of other products too.
An illustration with the react logo on a card
An illustration with the react logo on a card
An illustration with the react logo on a card

Why choose KOMODO for React JS development?

Two decades of experience in software development makes us industry veterans. Beyond our technical chops, KOMODO’s approach ensures you get more out of every hour you spend with us.

Firstly, our thorough studio approach to briefing, specification and strategy ensures we’re laser-focused on the work that will have the maximum impact on your business. Comprehensive due diligence, intelligence and understanding mean you can not only trust us to deliver what we said we would when we said we would, but that you can have confidence it will drive growth for your business.

If you have an existing in-house team, our approach means we can flexibly augment their resources, adding our React development expertise into the mix to help accelerate your workflow and make progress faster.

By integrating with your existing team and providing flexible, targeted resource augmentation, we can help you remove bottlenecks, “unstick” delayed projects and get your project to completion successfully.

An illustration of a bank, a form, and bank card on a blue background.
An illustration of a bank, a form, and bank card on a blue background.
An illustration of a bank, a form, and bank card on a blue background.

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Agile Software Development for Cutting-Edge LawTech Startup


Cutting-edge React Development at KOMODO

React is a JavaScript library that’s fast becoming the preferred choice for wide producing high quality, interactive user interfaces. Benefits of using React for front-end development projects include:

Reusable UI components

React is designed to make as much code re-usable as possible. The reusable components make for a faster, more efficient development process.

Easy to work with

React comes with lots of tools and processes that make developers’ lives easier – speeding up project delivery – making React JS an efficient and cost-effective method for creating mobile apps.


Because React is so popular, it’s highly portable, with large numbers of developers available to work with it. On top of this, there is a huge React community that contribute to the framework.

Make React Work For You

Do you need a team that know’s how to get the most out of React? Request a 20-minute call with one of our tech experts now to discuss your options.

A graphical illustration with elements of coding in reference to the call to action

Make React Work For You

Do you need a team that know’s how to get the most out of React? Request a 20-minute call with one of our tech experts now to discuss your options.

A graphical illustration with elements of coding in reference to the call to action

Make React Work For You

Do you need a team that know’s how to get the most out of React? Request a 20-minute call with one of our tech experts now to discuss your options.

A graphical illustration with elements of coding in reference to the call to action